Monday, April 28, 2008

The Divorce Generation Grows Up

Synonym: brand
Antonym: generic
Sentence: Simple things, like filling out enrollment cards, "Became opportunities to feel stigmatized," he says.
Own Sentence: She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock.
Definition: To set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon; To characterize or brand as disgraceful or ignominious.(
Context Clues: The sentence after the one with the actual word gave more meaning to the word. It gave me a big clue to define stigmatized.

Synonym: symphonic
Antonym: unbalanced
Sentence: "I don't think I ever recall it being a harmonious family unit," says David, who has two sisters
Own Sentence: The tailored clothes were harmonious with her military bearing.
Definition: Marked by agreement in feeling, attitude, or action; forming a pleasingly consistent whole; congruous.(
Context Clues: The way that the sentence is written makes the word harmonious seem like it's going to mean functional or something like that.

Synonym: improvised
Antonym: prepared
Sentence: "That outward calm expression has led me to be labeled as 'cold' and 'uninspiring,' and has at times hampered my ability to succeed both in my professional and personal life," says Chris, who decided to study psychology in college largely because of these impromptu therapy sessions with his dad.
Own Sentence: When he got home he found himself hungry, wanting an impromptu dinner badly.
Definition: Made or done without previous preparation; improvised; suddenly or hastily prepared.(
Context Clues: When I saw the word impromptu I immediately thought of improvise, I kind of knew that they were related but I wanted to find out if they were the same or not.

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